
There are no upcoming events. Stay tuned!

What do we have to offer?


Our flagship contest is the Monthly Clip Contest where club members can send in a picture or video each month related to a certain theme. Themes vary each month, from highlights to "create your own meme". Stay tuned each month to find out what the theme is and submit your clip! The top clips will move to the public voting round where all club members have a chance to vote for their favourite and help decide who receives a gift card for their gaming platform of choice.


Different games run weekly in-houses where you can play the games you love with other uOttawa Esports members. Game Heads will set up teams based on the players that signup and create a custom lobby for you to join. All you have to do show up and have a good time! Did we mention that just by attending you have a chance at winning prizes?


Each game puts different types of tournaments but they all have one thing in common: They’re always a ton of fun! Game Heads organize tournaments that best fit the needs of their player base, such as SoloQ tournaments for League of Legends or a 2v2 bracket for CS:GO. If you are interested in trying out a game and meeting new people in the club then this is the perfect opportunity to do so. You will even have a shot at winning awesome prizes!